Sydney Waitz-KudlaSydney Waitz-Kudla, MS, received her BA in psychology from Vanderbilt University in 2015. She spent two years at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center and two years at the University of Southern Mississippi as a Project Manager before coming to Auburn in 2019. Sydney is a Presidential Graduate Research Fellow whose research is focused on means safety intervention for veterinarians and the influence of religion and religiosity on suicidality. She is currently completing her pre-doctoral internship at Auburn University Student Counseling and Psychological Services.
Cassidy Brydon-ChesnuttCassidy Brydon-Chesnutt, MS, received her BS in psychology from the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University in 2019. She spent one year at a Cognitive Memory lab as a research assistant through the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science of Florida Atlantic University before coming to Auburn in 2020. Cassidy is currently a fifth-year student in the AU Clinical Psychology Program. Her research interests focus on suicidality as it relates to trauma and minority populations.
Hailey FoxHailey Fox, MS, received her BS in Neuroscience from Baylor University in 2018. She spent two years as a research assistant at the VISN 17 Center of Excellence for Research on Returning War Veterans studying biomarkers for posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury before coming to Auburn in 2020. Hailey is currently a fifth-year student in the AU Clinical Psychology program. Her research interests include utilizing multi-method approaches (e.g., EEG, ecological momentary assessment) to identify transdiagnostic risk factors for trauma and suicide.
Brianna JacksonBri Jackson, MS received her Bachelors in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2018. Shortly after, she began working as a Research Coordinator at the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics (VIPBG) and the VCU Medical Center before coming to Auburn in 2020. Bri's research interests focus on the assessment of PTSD and its overlap with CPTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. Bri is currently a fifth-year student in the AU Clinical Psychology program co-mentored by Dr. Witte and Dr. Frank Weathers.
Hannah SawyerHannah Sawyer, MS, received her B.A. in psychology from the University of Arkansas in 2021. During her time as an undergraduate student, Hannah was a research assistant for the Laboratory for Anxiety and Substance Use Research and Developmental Cognitive Affective Psychophysiology lab at Arkansas and Anxiety and Health Behaviors lab at the University of Texas at Austin. Hannah is currently a fourth-year graduate student in the AU clinical psychology program, co-mentored by Dr. Witte and Dr. Lathan-Powell. Her research interests include understanding and improving systemic responses to interpersonal violence, adapting existing interventions for the unique needs of interpersonal violence survivors, and understanding the role of broad transdiagnostic risk factors in the etiology and maintenance of trauma-related symptoms.
Marielle GomezMarielle Gomez, B.S., received her bachelor’s in psychology from Florida State University in 2018. She spent four more years at Florida State as a lab coordinator and research assistant. Marielle is currently a third-year graduate student in the AU Clinical Psychology program. Her research interests include suicide and its correlates, eating pathology, and using complex modeling such as network analysis to better understand these disorders and comorbidities.
Suicidal Behavior & Psychopathology Laboratory
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]